Our proposal
Our proposal
About our proposal:
- We are proposing two further logistics buildings – one 175,000 sq ft (16,258 sq m) and the other 71,000 sq ft (6,596 sq m)
- This phase would create 170 jobs onsite, a further 210 construction jobs – and boost the local economy by c.£11.3 million a year
- Both new buildings will be rated ‘Excellent’ by BREEAM, the sustainability certification body for the construction industry, placing them in the top 10 per cent of warehouses in the UK for sustainability
- A ‘local labour agreement’ will be sought with Wiltshire Council to maximise job opportunities for local people
- Improvements to the M4 junction 17, already underway as part our phase one scheme, will reduce queues once complete
- Our proposals will help keep HGVs off the rural lanes
- We have already committed to a new bus stop next to the site as a package of measures to help support local bus services
- Comprehensive landscaping with at least 10 per cent biodiversity net gain
Extensive sustainability measures
- Both new buildings will be rated ‘Excellent’ by BREEAM, the sustainability certification body for the construction industry, placing them in the top 10 per cent of warehouses in the UK for sustainability
- Approximately 1,800m² of solar panels installed as standard across both buildings – with roofs designed to be fully covered in the future – to ensure offices can be self-sufficient and powered by the energy generated
- Infrastructure for minimum 20% electric vehicle charging
- Extensive roof lights would be used to harvest natural daylight, reducing the need for artificial light and creating a warm, bright and welcoming work environment
Investment in road infrastructure
- St. Modwen Park Chippenham is strategically located adjacent to M4, J17 with easy and direct access
- We are already investing in improvements to M4 Junction 17 to ease any traffic issues
- Due to our location adjoining Junction 17 of the M4, our proposals will help keep HGVs off the rural lanes
- Our newly built roundabout on the B4122 will serve the whole scheme including the proposed phase two buildings
- A new pedestrian crossing across the B4122 will safely allow people to cross between the two parts of the development
- Traffic assessments are being undertaken to calculate how much new traffic will be generated by the additional two buildings – and to ensure the road capacity is sufficient
- Enough onsite parking is proposed for staff and visitors, avoiding the need for any offsite parking
- The two buildings will each have a secure service yard which will provide adequate space for HGVs to manoeuvre, load and unload
- Easy access to existing facilities at Chippenham Pit Stop service station which has a 75-space lorry park, restaurant and café, 24/7 fuel and showers.
Public transport & active travel
- Just four miles from Chippenham, the site is well connected for public transport; in turn, Chippenham main line rail station is just 11 minutes from Swindon and 22 minutes from Bristol
- We have already committed to a new bus stop next to the site as a package of measures to help support local bus services
- We are delivering a cycle route through phase one of our development to connect into this site – part of a suite of measures to encourage employees to use public transport or cycle to work
Landscaping plan to limit visibility
- The site includes some existing hedgerows with trees, woodland and scrub which already provide significant visual cover
- This existing vegetation (and the adjacent development) restrict most views into this site other than some limited aspects from the north
- We have undertaken a detailed landscape and visual impact appraisal that has shaped our landscaping plan
- We will retain as many of the existing perimeter landscape features as possible – and enhance with additional tree planting to further limit views of the new buildings
- Habitat-rich attenuation basins are proposed adjacent to the phase two – plot D – site entrance
Protecting & enhancing ecology
- Ecological surveys were undertaken in 2022 and 2023
- The site is currently mainly grass with limited ecological value
- The only significant find onsite was low levels of bat activity
- By retaining and creating new habitats we will be able to enhance those green corridors for the bats
- The proposed planting regime will help deliver an onsite biodiversity net gain of at least 10 per cent
- A tree survey showed existing trees are low to moderate in value
- A number of Ash trees are already showing early signs of dieback disease, and will need monitoring
Bringing jobs and investment to Wiltshire
- This phase would create 170 local jobs onsite and a further 210 construction jobs
- In addition, the existing occupiers are already providing jobs for people living within Wiltshire, with more to come
- A ‘local labour agreement’ will be sought with Wiltshire Council to maximise job opportunities for local people
- The scheme would boost the local economy by c.£11.3M a year
- Approximately £3 million annual business rates to Wiltshire Council would help support delivery of local services
Anticipated timeline
Submission of planning application
September 2023
Estimated decision on planning application
Q2 2024
Start on site
Project completion
Local SW-based Huboo is one of the new occupants of phase one of St. Modwen Park Chippenham.